AoA everyone, I hope you are doing well. Today I’ll be sharing a tutorial related to SEO & more specifically it’s about a blog post SEO that how you can write an SEO-friendly blog post using the basic steps of SEO for a blog post. I do have some SEO-related stuff on my blog like the whole SEO Mega PackTubeRank Jeet 2 which is one good tool that can be helpful in ranking your Youtube Videos. But to be honest, I am not that good with SEO at all, however recently I came across a video of Khalil Ullah Khan about Basic SEO for Blog Posts which I found very easy and helpful, so thought to share it with you guys. 

Basic SEO for Blog Posts [RANK #1 on Google] – Basic SEO 2021

The blog post related to SEO will contain all the steps how Khalil Ullah explained in his video on Youtube: Basic SEO for Blog Posts (Primary and Secondary Keywords) RANK #1 on Google.

There’s a lot that you can do when it comes to SEO for blog posts. However, as an SEO writer and blog owner, I find that the most important aspects of SEO writing are primary and secondary keywords.

In his video, he explained the basics of SEO along with some extra points about Primary and Secondary keywords (LSI Keywords), Which I found very helpful and want you guys to learn also which will help you a lot in writing SEO-friendly blog posts & how to properly optimize your blog posts using that to rank number 1 on Google. I’ll straight away pick and explain about SEO, then going through primary keywords and their importance, and then ending up lastly with LSI Keywords. By the end of this blog post, I am sure you get an idea of how to SEO optimize your blog post

Basic SEO for Blog Posts 

(Primary and Secondary Keywords) 

RANK #1 on Google

If you don’t know anything about SEO, don’t worry this tutorial will help you understand the basics of SEO and even would help to write SEO optimized blog posts if you are a blog post writer. Just hint at the importance of SEO, I’d simply say that your success of a blog almost depends on SEO as it could easily get you more traffic on your blog. In simple words, it will increase your blog earnings by ranking your post #1 on Google.

What is SEO

First of all, what is SEO?. 

    SEO stands for search engine optimization, I won’t be explaining it technically just in simple words understand that search engine optimization means that how good your content is optimized OR how much chances are there that your blog post will rank on Google?.  Now to know optimized your post, or if someone says how to write SEO optimized blog post so it can rank on Google, to answer this question you must know how Google actually works. 

SEO & Google (Search Engines)

Simply get this idea, whenever someone searches for a term (keyword = Toolkit for Facebook) in, Google will search through its database of blog posts and extract all those blog posts which are most relevant to the searched keyword (which in our case is: Toolkit for Facebook). Now here is the point how SEO plays its role to push your blog post to Google and tells Google that my blog post is relevant to the searched term. So Google can display your blog post in the ranked pages, hence you get a lot of traffic from Google. BUT before that, you must know the basics of SEO which is basically knowing how Google displays the blog posts, what actually Google or any search engine focus on through which it decides any blog post for a searched term is relevant or not. So as we know Google when picking a relevant blog post for a specific keyword (Toolkit for Facebook), focuses on primary keywords and secondary keywords usage in a blog post. So in order to cover up the SEO basics, we need to know what are primary keywords and what are secondary keywords (LSI Keywords). Basics of SEO will help us how to signal Google for a specific keyword so that Google picks our blog post to display it on the first of page Google.

What are primary keywords?

The first thing in the SEO basics for a blog post is to consider the primary keyword which means the topic on which you want to write or you can get it this way that primary keyword is the ideal search phrase which a user on google would search for. For example, if your topic is “How to start a YouTube channel in 2021“. Then the primary keyword for your blog post would be how to start a YouTube channel because this is the search phrase a user would be searching for on Google. Or consider my own blog post example as I have a blog post about Toolkit for Facebook. 

Toolkit For Facebook Latest Version – TFF Premium v4.1.4 (Android Supported)

If I extract the primary keyword for that above blog post article, it would be Toolkit for Facebook, because users who are searching on Google won’t be searching exactly the same but the ideal search phrase or primary keyword someone would be searching is “Toolkit for Facebook“. Now how someone can know about the primary keyword or how to do keyword research, so for that I’d recommend following up on this blogging course for beginners. For right now I’d just assume that at least you know about your primary keyword or the main topic on which you want to write an SEO optimized blog post. However, a good point for content writers is that the primary keyword is already provided by the client who wants you to write content for it. Or at least the client can provide the title for it from which you can extract the primary keyword. 

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SEO Basics 2021
Related searches for a keyword: Toolkit for Facebook

How to use primary keywords in your blog post 

Ok now we got our primary keyword(s), next thing is to know how to use this/ these primary keyword(s) in our blog post in order to make it SEO optimized post to get ranked in Google searches. It’s now just about using the primary keyword, there are more things to cover like how to use it, how many times it should be there, and where to use it. So to cover all the points you need to consider the below points: 

  • You must need to include your primary keyword in your blog post TITLE.
  • The next thing is to include it in your sub-headings of the blog post. Sub-headings are important and play a good role in blog writing, btw the way you can learn something good about blog posting in this video here.
  • Now using your primary keyword in a sub-heading is important but not too much, it should be like fading in nature so that it feels natural fit in the heading and not a force-fitting of the keyword in the sub-heading. There is no number limit that how much you should use your keyword in your blog post, it was something considerable back then when SEO was simple but now modern SEO isn’t about the quantity of the keyword in your blog post. It’s more likely now judged by AI algorithms and user’s experiences is Google’s first priority rather than focusing on how much the primary keywords are used. It may sound difficult but you need to consider this to keep your blog post in natural flow related to the topic but at the same time revolving around your main primary topic so that Google knows that this blog post article is about some specific keyword and use of the primary keyword is also in a natural flow. 
  • I am assuming you already got an idea on how to use your primary keyword within your blog post, including title, sub-heading, and in your text content as well. But again you shouldn’t consider the numbers of the keyword you just need to make the content in a natural flow. However, make sure you at least include your primary keyword in your starting paragraph of the blog post, secondly, if your keyword is easy to fit in your content then according to Khalil’s personal experience you can keep your keyword after every 300 words but that’s something from personal experience and shouldn’t be the exact in every case at all. 

Primary keyword variations and how to use them

As we know Google is not the same anymore as I just mentioned above that SEO is not the same anymore as it used to be, and that’s because Google is releasing new updates more and more every single day. Google has realized that if someone is using a specific keyword for a blog post, some other user might also have the same blog post like covering the same issue or maybe helping someone out with another title (another keyword) so it means that keywords could be different but it still means the same.  For example, if someone is searching for how to start a YouTube channel, I want to start a YouTube channel, start a YouTube channel, or starting a YouTube channel all these keywords means the same or at least the user intent by searching such keyword is the same and Google now knows it. And that’s why Google ranks the same blog post for all these keywords so that highlighted point here is that you don’t have to rely on just the same exact keyword but you can also use all the alternative keywords for which users also search for with the same intent. A simple take away from this paragraph is that you should use different variations of your primary keyword within your blog post. The good point of these variations is that will improve SEO as well as your content which will have different variations of a keyword instead of the same keyword again and again. 

What are secondary keywords and LSI?

After primary keywords, you also need to know about secondary keywords as it will boost your ranking in Google a lot. Even primary keywords could be considered pretty enough for SEO optimized but without secondary keywords, your blog post couldn’t get the ranked page spot as it could be done with secondary keywords. 

    So let’s talk about secondary keywords or LSI. LSI means latent semantic indexing, which plays an important role by marking your written post as a complete blog post for a specific keyword. To understand this first you need to understand how Google decided which result should be displayed on rank 1 and which on other ranks. Above we have learned that Google searches in its database for specific keywords and brings a lot of search results for it containing blog posts. Now the point is that how Google decides which result needs to be on number 1, which on 2, and so on. Well, the answer is simple Google actually keeps a record for every searched term and knows which blog post is complete about this term and the way Google does this is by keeping the index that if a search term is: How to start a YouTube channel, then there should be a topic related to how to set up a YouTube channel. This is just an example, but basically, the point is that for a specific keyword let say Toolkit for Facebook, Google will also consider that the blog post should contain these keywords as well: 

  • facebook toolkit login
  • tff toolkit for facebook
  • toolkit for facebook 2020
  • toolkit for facebook unfriend
  • how to install toolkit for facebook
  • toolkit for facebook latest version
  • toolkit for facebook free download for pc
  • toolkit-for-facebook-chrome-extension-hacks

The above keywords are considered as secondary keywords or we can say all the above keywords are LSI keywords which Google will also focus on for a blog post related to Toolkit for Facebook and it helps Google to display blog post related to Toolkit for Facebook, which is complete is a sense that the blog post will also have the above LSI keywords in the blog post. 

How to find LSI

Now you know that Google also considers LSI/ secondary keywords in order to display a blog post in its search results. So you need secondary keywords in your blog post for higher chances of ranked position in Google. But how you can know about your secondary or LSI keywords related to your primary keyword. If you are a content writer then it’s a must for your to use LSI keywords in your content writing even if your client doesn’t say anything about it but you should search and use LSI keywords for it. And how one can search for LSI keywords?. It’s very simple all you need is to search for the primary keyword in Google and scroll down to the bottom of the page where you will see a section: 

Searches related to Your Primary Keyword

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SEO Basics 2021

Searches related to Your Primary Keyword

In the above screenshot, you can clearly see LSI keywords for the primary keyword (how to start a youtube channel). Similarly, you can find out your LSI keywords for your own primary keyword. You can also use ubberuggest or SEO tools for it but I’d strongly recommend sticking with Google’s related search because Google itself is giving your the LSI keywords for your searched term and saying that these are the related terms for it and one should include it in his/ her blog post. It’s not at most important to include all of them but the more you include it with proper explaining, the more Google will know that this blog post is complete for that specific keyword. 
Extra: You can also use for an even more number of LSI keywords for a specific keyword. Just go to that site and search for the keyword and it will give you a list of LSI keywords for it. 

10 Reasons Why Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Is Important For Your Business

How to use LSI

Already mentioned the point that it’s a secondary keyword for a reason that its importance is not the high but still, it can give you a boost but at the same time as I mentioned above you don’t need to include all the secondary keywords in your blog post, just keep it natural inflow and you are good to go. Even SEO experts are pointing out that Google is smart enough and even getting smarter every day and it could understand how good a blog post is for a specific keyword even without LSI keywords however one should try to include secondary keywords or at least cover the concept of it so Google knows that the blog post is complete enough to get ranked on the first page. You don’t need to use secondary keywords as you would be using primary keywords, just use it once just to touch the topic at least to give an idea or clear a problem to users who would read out your blog post for a specific blog post. 

A short note to take

I hope you would find this blog post helpful for your basics SEO learning. I’d really recommend watching Khalil’s video about SEO basics which is actually a lot more energetic and helpful if you can understand URDU. I just my self learned from him to share it with you guys. 

Multiple Posts Feature in Facebook Auto Poster

Basic SEO for Blog Posts Video by Khalil Ullah – Basic SEO 2021